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Mask production: a Laâyoune cooperative certified by IMANOR


After El Jadida, it is Laâyoune cooperative’s turn to devote itself to making protective masks against COVID-19.

Within the framework of the Act4Community program of Phosboucraa, the cooperative "Al Jil Al Jadid" won the certification of the Moroccan Institute for Standardization (IMANOR) for the manufacture of folded protective masks in bilayer fabric. This is a first in the southern regions of the Kingdom following the initiatives deployed in the region by Act4Community of Phosboucraa.

The cooperative "Al Jil Al Jadid", initially specialized in the making of traditional outfits, converted into the manufacture of reusable protective masks, just like the cooperatives Ayadi el Fath and Oqba of Jorf Lasfar.

In accordance with standard NM / ST 21.5.201 (standard 2020) which is a pledge of health and safety for the manufacture of protective masks, the cooperative of Laâyoune will market its production with a price set at 6 dirhams per unit. The OCP Group's commitment to cooperatives is intensifying. It consists of technical and managerial support for the benefit of the beneficiaries. Act4Community supports cooperatives that will therefore be able to guarantee fixed incomes and demonstrate resilience in this period of health and economic crisis.

With IMANOR certification, the cooperatives supported by Act4Community contribute to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic while complying with the technical requirements of health control authorities.

Also note that Act4Community of Phosboucraa supported cooperatives in the Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra region in the marketing of their products online. In fact, the digitalization of sales will facilitate access to orders for cooperatives despite the restriction on markets or other usual points of sale due to the health crisis.